Wog This Way

Wogging My Way To a Healthier Me

My Heart is with Boston

on April 15, 2013

I get really excited for the Boston Marathon, I love to follow the leader board, tracking Kara and Shalane today. I logged in as soon as I got to work this morning, looking at paces following coverage. Does it blow anyone else’s mind how fast these people run? I mean consistent 10mph for 2:30!!! So impressive!

My husband and I have some friends who are there running, so I check in on them also.

Then my husband texts me “There has been an explosion in Boston”

I Google it, my heart hurts. Not only do these runners train, qualify, and put there hearts and soles/souls into this race, but so does the city of Boston. Why would you so senselessly hurt all of these people?
Honestly, I can’t stop reading, I don’t know what will change, it just seems to keep getting worse and more gruesome.  People are already predicting how this will change racing for the future. Right now, I just want peace, love, and comfort to be with everyone who is in Boston. Their loved ones who are elsewhere wondering who they are, bring them peace.

Hug someone you love and remember something you love about Boston tonight!



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